Architecture Burnout - Knowing When to Take a Break
From Someone who has suffered from Architecture Burnout.
Burnout is REAL. I’ve personally felt it from work, school, & life stressors. It’s a reminder of how important it is to take care of ourselves & find balance. Burnout can affect anyone, and it’s okay to acknowledge when we’re struggling. Let’s talk about the importance of taking breaks.
Why Taking Breaks Are Important
Breaks give us the mental & ohsycial recharge we need to keep going.
Taking breaks are key to longevity & avoiding burnout.
Breaks provide mental clarity.
Breaks regulate stress.
Breaks improve physical health & circulation.
Breaks improve memory.
Breaks get rid of exhaustion & fatigue.
Breaks restore motivation.
Signs to Take a Break
You’re exhausted all the time.
You’re unable to concentrate on your daily tasks.
Your productivity is slowing down.
No matter how much you rest, you have cumulative fatigue.
You make recurring errors or mistakes in daily tasks.
You get sick with illness more often than you used to.
You have difficulty falling asleep because you’re anxious or you wake up feeling anxious.
Incorporating Short Term & Long Term Breaks into your routine can lead to a healthier, more balanced life. Your body & mind will thank you!
Short Term Breaks
Boost productivity, prevent burnout, & enhance creativity.
Taking incremental breaks in between long periods of working
Going on walks & being with nature to disconnect
Spending time to do something you love
Eating a meal
Filling up water / using the restroom
Spending time with loved ones
Long Term Breaks
Recharges yourself fully, gains perspective, & strengthens your mental health.
Taking time away from current stressors
Changing your environment
Changing your field of work
Changing the space you work in
In the fast-paced profession of Architecture, it’s easy to forget the importance taking breaks & taking care of ourselves. Both short term & long term breaks play a crucial role in maintaining our health, productivity, & overall wellbeing. Remember that it’s okay to step back and recharge. Your wellbeing is worth it!